Focus on maximizing your employment opportunities.

We simplify the manual work by 100x

Missing job opportunities is typical, we solve this by pulling job listings from the most used platforms.

Get Access to positions in different countries.

Get real time updates from top companies.

View jobs from multiple platforms and automatically apply to multiple jobs.


Various advantages of using Job Bunny

Company Alerts.

Get instant alerts on new openings at companies you want to work at.

Application Tracking.

Keep track of your job applications and their statuses in one place.

Unique Filters.

Apply unique filters to refine your job search and find the best matches.

Real Time Updates.

Receive real-time updates on job listings and application statuses.

Automatic Applications

Imagine completing job applications instantly

Other platforms can take up to 30 minutes.

Job Bunny is introducing an auto-application feature that will streamline the job application process by automatically matching your profile to suitable job listings and submitting your applications for you.
